Singles and Compilations

Being tired of the constant war news everywhere you turn, I was inspired to record Bob Dylan's "Blowin' In The Wind" as a bit of a respite from all of that exposure. It's a song that comes from my yourth, I was a about 14 when it came out and when the Peace Movement had begun to blossom. The movement struggled and was not accepted at first but as we know it eventually grew to have a considerable impact on ending the war in Vietnam.

This got me thinking about Music, Art, and Peace...the acronym for those words being MAP and so I decided to try to create for myself a MAP of the World which is different from the one that confronts us every day. I wanted to share that and in thinking of how to do that I have a web site of the same name and intend to develop it as place where people can go on the web to have a few moments of quiet away from the storm. I intend to populate the site with art, poetry and music. Just getting going with that, but I'll keep you posted!in the meantime you can hear Blowin In The Wind on YouTube by clicking on the photo.
She's a Queen Bee is a little out of my wheelhouse, but the song came to me and here she be!
It was a lot of fun to make in the Karaoke style and I hope you get a kick out of it. Have a listen on YouTube by clicking on the picture, or catch it on
Bandcamp. You can find the lyrics here.

I wrote this song during my sojourn on Gabriola Island. It was inspired by the amazing jazz band that used to play in the village centre...Steve Smith, Dick Smith, Rick Cranston and the legendary Art Ellefson. The beautiful painting "Spring Thaw" is by my artist friend Kate Dee. This tune is available on YouTube at if you click the photo or as part of Songs For The Seaons on Bandcamp.
You can find the lyrics
In the days of 2005 or so, I was on tour and in my hotel room waiting to go on stage later that evening, watching TV and practicing scales. I was flipping channels when ESPN came on and was playing a rerun of one of the Chuvalo - Ali matches. I was mezmerized by Chuvalo's concentration and unflinching gaze at Ali and it inspired a song about George. Later on, a fellow musician, Frank Wilks, was playing at one of George Chuvalo's fund-raisers for drug awareness (George's family had been plagued by drug abuse and George swore to do everthing possible to make people aware of the problem) and Frank, having heard my song, invited me along to play my song for George.

It was truly an honour to play it for George, he was very moved, and for some time we tried to stay in touch through Facebook but that eventually waned. I know he's still out there doing what he can.

You can hear the song on YouTube by clicking on the picture, or go to my bandcmamp site: for the audio file. You can find lyrics here.

When my son was getting married, he and his bride asked me to write a processional and recessional for their wedding. I was completely thrilled to do so, wrote both and even a separate one for the wedding party, though it is slightly on the comical side and they chose not to use it!

And now I have three beautiful grandchildren and they are thriving and growing and having rich and full lives...a parent could not possibly ask for more...

You can hear the music on Bandcamp:

We Just Fall concerns that oh-so-human trait of falling in love...

It is available on Bandcamp at:


I wrote the "Summerfolk Song" for the 20th annual Summerfolk Festival which my brother John and I
founded in 1976. Don Bird was artistic director then, chose the song and did the studio production.
Once again, it can be found on Bandcamp at:

All Hands was a project organized by Victor Anthony, photographer and musician. It concerned musicians living on Gabriola and I had just moved there in 2009. My instrumental "Lisa's Waltz" was included on the compilation and can be heard on my CD "Sara And The Sea."

You can hear the song on YouTube by clicking on the picture.

This compilation included my song "Song Of Thanksgiving" which you can hear on YouTube by
clicking on the compilation.

This complilation was done to accent a concert/fundraiser for 9/11. It includes my song "Prayer Watching" which I wrote after hearing my son's prayers one eveing. You can hear it by clicking on the picture.